Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Opened an online store

So, I opened up a hyenacart earlier this week. If anyone wants to check it out, you can go here: I've sold five cloth wipes from there so far. I'm hoping others will starting buying stuff. I'd love to make a new blanket as the one pictured in the custom slot was so much fun to make for one of my online friends.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Another uninvited vist

So my lovely Aunt Flo decided to make another uninvited visit today. I was thinking that I might actually be pregnant when all of a sudden she arrives. It was not what I needed/wanted.

I'm now at the point of just not knowing what to do. What step do I next take? Kevin's insurance covers infertility treatments, so we could go the route of IUI or IVF, but I'm not really certain I want to go that route. At the same time, I wonder, Am I doing all that Heavenly Father wants me to do in order to get pregnant? Sometimes we have to do all in our power we can before Heavenly Father will step in and give us the help we have been praying and fasting so much for. Does He expect me to go the route of IUI or IVF? I just don't know.

I've considered adoption, but Kevin isn't too sure. He's worried about the possibility we wouldn't be allowed to adopt due to his disability. I know that we wouldn't be able to adopt from China at least due to that.

It's just all so frustrating. I wanted to go to the temple this evening to just receive the comfort and peace that temple attendance can bring, but Kevin had a prior engagement that he couldn't cancel/miss. So, I had to stay home with the boys.

I ran across an interesting thing comparing infertility to being overdue when pregnant:

It's Like Being Overdue

I thought it was interesting and pretty true. I'm definitely overdue and I'm carrying the baby in my heart.