Monday, March 24, 2008

Clomid is not fun

So, today is day four of clomid. This is my first time taking it, but after almost two years of infertility, having all sorts of tests done and surgery, I figured might as well give it a try. I have short luteal phase (the time between when you ovulate and when your period (AF) arrives). It should be 14 days, but mine is usually 10 days, sometimes 12 if I'm lucky. If it's too short than it can prevent you from getting pregnant. Having a stronger ovulation due to clomid should help to increase my luteal phase. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

I've been getting daily severe headaches since I started taking this, which in turn makes me extremely grumpy. I just hope this works because I don't know what I'll be like on a higher dose if it doesn't work this cycle.

So I'm kinda weird and I usually check to see when I'd be due if I happen to get pregnant. I put in my lmp in the calendar thing at WebMD and found out that I'll be due December 22nd if I happen to conceive this cycle using the clomid.

The weird thing about that is that I miscarried twins in 2004. The due date based on lmp was December 21st. At that time I had received a priesthood blessing and was told that I would have more children and that I'd be able to raise the ones I lost. For me, the impression came that it'd be in this life that I'd be able to raise them, not in the one to come. So, with me being on clomid which increases the chance of twins and the due date being so close to what it had been had I not miscarried the twins, makes me wonder if perhaps, I'll get pregnant with twins. Of course it's all just random speculation at this point, but it'd be pretty funny to me if it happened. Kinda deja vu type of thing.


Hope said...

Wow, clomid sounds miserable! I'm so sorry. Nothing worse than feeling crummy with little ones that don't understand it's not a good time to demand our attention! Maybe your boys could come over for a playdate if you find one day your headaches are particularly bad? Please call me--I'd love to have them over!

P.S. Carson (our baby) was born on December 22nd, so I think that's a very lucky due date! I'm crossing my fingers for you! (Although I must admit, it's makes birthdays pretty complicated during that time of year...)

Shanna and Brent said...

Oh my, I had to be on clomid to get pregnant with Tate, and Brent will confirm this I WAS NOT FUN!!! Apparently, I was a teeny bit ornery! So tell Kevin good luck!!
(and hopefully it works the first time, so you don't have to be on it any longer!)