Monday, November 10, 2008

It's been one of those weeks!

So this past week has been crazy. Last Monday, AF came for a visit, then Tuesday was awful with the snow storm. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis so whenever there's a really big change in the barometer my body responds by being in pain. Summer months are great since I get a break from all that, but I despise winter. I had forgotten just how bad the pain could be until Tuesday.

I was also "lucky" enough to wake up that day with a really bad sore throat. I rested all day and still wasn't feeling much better by Thursday. I decided I needed to go to the doctor at that point since practically all the glands in my neck, even ones I didn't know where there before, were swollen and painful. The nurse did the swab test for strep and when the doctor came in, she was carrying a prescription for antibiotics since the test was positive. So, the strep had already spread into my lymph system and it was time to start meds to stop the progress before it got worse.

I was pretty disappointed that was I was still so very sick since I had wanted to go to the temple on Friday for stake temple day and to hear the temple president speak in the temple chapel, but I couldn't go.

I was feeling a bit better on Saturday and since we had already registered and paid for the Cub Scout Pow Wow, we went. I think that was a mistake. I hoping we'd be able to go to the adult session of stake conference that night, but I was worn out from walking around to our classes by the time we got home from that I had to go to bed early.

Sunday, we went to stake conference, but unfortuneately, we weren't able to stay the whole time, I just wasn't feeling well enough to stay. I wanted to stay, but Kevin thought it would be wise to take me home.

Oh, in case you were wondering, the boys spent the weekend at their grandparents' house so that we'd be able to do all the things we couldn't take them to -- which we didn't even get to do some of and probably shouldn't have gone to the pow wow.

I'm doing better today, but still feel pretty wiped out. I really don't want to get sick again anytime soon.

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